CBRA Referral Process
To provide detailed procedures for the referral process for the CBRA program consistent with CBRA guidelines for priority populations and eligible populations. To identify required partnerships related to the referral process.
CBRA Program Subcontracting
To provide guidance on GCBH BH-ASO’s subcontracting process for the CBRA grant consistent with the Department of Commerce guidelines and the Grant Agreement between GCBH BH-ASO and the Department of Commerce.
CBRA Habitability Compliant Procedures
To provide guidance to Greater Columbia Behavioral Health BH-ASO and its subgrantees regarding the CBRA program’s complaint procedures related to habitability consistent with CBRA guidelines.
CBRA Sub-Grantee Risk Assessment and Monitoring
To provide guidance to Greater Columbia Behavioral Health BH-ASO as a CBRA lead grantee on the requirements of the Department of Commerce regarding risk assessments, monitoring activities, and monitoring frequency of any subcontractor of the CBRA program consistent with the CBRA guidelines.
CBRA Termination or Denial of Services
To outline the requirement of grantees to have a written termination and denial policy related specific to the CBRA program and consistent with the Department of Commerce’s CBRA guidelines.
CBRA Grievance Procedure
To outline the grievance process specific to the CBRA Program consistent with the Department of Commerce’s CBRA guidelines.